Продам напитки, соки, вода в Индонезии

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  • фотография продукта Pineapple Juice Concentrate
    Dear Sir/Madam, (HS 200941) We would like to offer: pineapple juices concentrate. Backed with own pineapple plantation, modern production facilities and clean & hygiene environment this pineapple juice concentrate has typical properties as follow: Total soluble solids: 12-13.5 °Brix, Acidity: 6.5-8.0 g/100g as citric acid, Pulp: app. 10%, Color: light yellow. No water added. Packaging: nett. 220kg aseptic bag-in-drum. Around 76 drums per 20' FCL unpalletized. Produced under Halal, ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and HACCP certified manufacturer. Product of Indonesia. For any interested parties, pls kindly contact for further details. Thank you. Contact: +62 (whatsapp, viber).
    17 сен 2021 г.
    Количество просмотров объявления
    Ferry Handjojo
    был(а) в сети 19.10.21
  • фотография продукта Canned Beer
    Dear Sir/Madam, (HS 220300) We would like to offer: Canned Beer. Type: pilsner. Brewed with finest ingredients. International quality brewing standard. Composition: water, sugar, malt and selected hops. Packed in nett 330 ml recyclable aluminum can. A dozen can in carton box. Alcohol less than 5% v/v. Lager, fruit flavored and stout (black) beer in aluminum can also available. Product of Indonesia. Enjoy responsibly. Contact: +62 (whatsapp, viber).
    17 сен 2021 г.
    Количество просмотров объявления
    Ferry Handjojo
    был(а) в сети 19.10.21
  • фотография продукта Mineral water
    Dear Sir/Madam, (HS 220110) We would like to offer: mineral water. Processed from mountain water with seven stage filtration including reverse osmosis, sterilized with UV and ozonation in order to produce fresh and healthy drinking water. Nett. 1500 ml & 600 ml in PET bottle, 250 ml in PP cup. Four dozens of PP cup or two dozens of nett. 600ml PET bottle in carton box. Certificate : Halal, ISO 9001 and HACCP. Oxygenated drinking water also available. Product of Indonesia. For any interested parties, pls kindly contact for further details. Thank you. Contact: +62 (whatsapp, viber).
    6 авг 2021 г.
    Количество просмотров объявления
    Ferry Handjojo
    был(а) в сети 19.10.21
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